Woody Woodgate
Federal Programs Director
Phone: (907) 825-2178
Department Overview:
YSD's Federal and State Programs manages the compliance of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act including:
• Title IA: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
• Title IC: Education of Migratory Children
• Title IIA: Improving Effective Instruction
• Title IIIA: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
• Title IV Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
• Title V-B, Subpart 2: Rural and Low-Income School Program
• Indian Education Formula Grant
• CSI/TSI School Improvement Grants
• Quality School Grant
Community input and district data guide initiatives that meet specific requirements of the law as well as focus resources on district needs and goals. Supplemental program resources are collaboratively managed to maximize efforts for at-risk students, reading and literacy initiatives, enhancement activities, professional development, and Alaska Native programs.
A copy of the YSD Federal Programs Standard Operating Proceedures may be downloaded and reviewed. Federal Programs Standard Operating Procedures (updated January 29, 2024)
Please contact Woody Woodgate in YSD Federal and State Programs to request a copy of any of the district federal plans or receive additional information.
Public Information
- Title I Fall Survey - Survey presented at Fall Community Meetings informing stakeholders how funding will plan to be used for the upcoming year and requesting feedback for changes or new ideas.
- Title I Spring Survey - Survey presented at Spring Community meetings requesting feedback for how Title I activity funding should be allocated for the next year.
- Family Engagement Policies and School/Parent Compacts - Title I-A statute ESEA Section 1116 includes policies on the use of family engagement funding and ESEA Section 1112 includes additional requirements, such as parents right-to-know. The Title I-A statute outlines what is expected of districts and schools accepting Title I-A funds, including funding for Family Engagement.
- Foster Care Students Program- To meet federal statutory requirements, YSD and the Office of Children’s
Services collaborate to provide services for foster students and their families.
- McKinney-Vento Program (Title X) - The McKinney-Vento Act (formerly known as homeless) supports children as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” This definition includes (but is not limited to) children who are: sharing housing due to economic hardship or loss of housing (e.g. doubled-up)
- Migrant Education (Title I-C) - The Migrant Ed Program ensures that all qualifying youth have access to challenging academic
standards and extended opportunities to graduate with a high school diploma.
- English Language Learners (ELL) (Title III-A) - Under theEvery Student Succeeds Act, states must annually assess the English language proficiency of ELs, provide reasonable accommodations for them on state assessments, and develop new accountability systems that include long-term goals and measures of progress for ELs.
Report Card to the Public - Recently the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) released the most recent Report Cards to the Public for each school district and school in Alaska. To view a School or District Report Card to the Public, go to https://education.alaska.gov/compass/report-card. Once there, you will be able to select which School or District Report Card to the Public you wish to view.
- School Climate and Connectedness Survey -
AASB’s School Climate & Connectedness Survey is a voluntary statewide survey developed by American Institutes for Research (AIR) in partnership with AASB in 2006. School districts provide surveys each spring to measure student, staff, and family perceptions of:
- How students, staff and families view school climate.
- How connected adults feel to adults and peers
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Observed risk behaviors at school and school events
- Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Grant For Public reports:
Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Grant For Public
reports: Go to the EED CTE website at https://education.alaska.gov/tls/CTE/Perkins/Public
- Choose your school year and district in the drop down menus.
- Click "Get Report Values" and the selected CTE
data will appear shortly."
- Indian Education and Johnson O’Malley Parent Action Committee Meetings - Meeting notes from most recent Indian Education and Johnson O'Malley Parent Action Committee Meeting
The System for School Success is Alaska’s accountability system that is designed to celebrate success in our schools, as well as identify areas that we can focus on to help provide additional support. This accountability system fulfills the requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to regularly evaluate school efficacy and close gaps in student achievement.
FY24 KKI Designation letter for families.docx
FY24 SIP report Akiachak School.pdf
FY24 AKI Designation letter for families.docx
FY24 SIP report Akiak School.pdf
FY24 TLT Designation letter for families.docx
FY24 SIP report Tuluksak School.pdf